Записи с темой: ИНТЕРВЬЮ, Интервью, интервью (23)
Walk and talk...
В интервью французскому журналу Series № 80 за 23 февраля 2013 года Брэдли Джеймс говорит об окончании сериала Мерлин и о своих планах на будущее.
Небольшой фрагмент:

Did the end of the show live up to your hopes/expectations?
Absolutely. I always thought the show should end with a long conversation between Merlin and Arthur. A face to face where they'd talk about everything on their hearts and all secrets would finally be revealed. The last episode is like that. Colin and I were able to play all the nuances of the relationship between these two men that are the best friends in the world despite their differences. These scenes have been very emotional for me and it was a way for me to say goodbye to Colin. I love this guy, even though I made fun of him and even hit him on set all the time! [laughs]

What are your present/future projects?
I read a lot of scripts, mostly for cinema. This time is very exciting for me. And that's why I didn't want to play the role of Arthur Pendragon until the end of my days. I want to prove I can do something other than wield a sword and wearing a chain mail. Even though I loved doing it.

You're about to depart with a whole bunch of friends with the show ending. Isn't that a little sad?
This is part of the actor's profession. But we all stay in contact, though. Colin and I and all the guys who play the Knights, we're a real band mates. We'll continue to see us because we live in London and work all around the earth.

thanks to gealach-ros

Что ж, пожелаем Брэдли удачи и новых ролей, чтобы мы могли увидеть его ещё не раз!!!

@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, ExtraPower, Mr. Pendragon, Детка жжёт или captain Wow detected

Walk and talk...
Walk and talk...

In Season 4 of Merlin, Arthur finally becomes King of Camelot. A change that suits the voluntary nature of Bradley. The actor is back on the filming of the series in France and the friendship that connects him to Colin Morgan, aka Merlin.

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@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, ExtraPower, Mr. Pendragon, Детка жжёт или captain Wow detected

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
На Тумблере появились видео того, как снимали 4-й сезон.
Смотреть два ролика.

@темы: Видео, Интервью, Santiago Cabrera, Bradley James, Colin Morgan, Merlin BBC, Anthony Head, Katie McGrath, Emilia Fox, Angel Coulby, Richard Wilson, BJam, ExtraPower, Eoin Macken

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.

Q & A With Merlin's Bradley James

Bradley James as Merlin's Arthur Pendragon. Photo copyright of the BBC.

At one time or another, most men are faced with trying to measure up to their father’s expectations. That is sometimes easier said than done, especially when others are involved. In BBC’s Merlin, Prince Arthur Pendragon has been trained to fight since birth, and his father, King Uther Pendragon, plans for his son to one day take over as the ruler of Camelot. Much to their surprise, that day comes earlier than expected in the show’s fourth season. With his servant, protector, friend (and magician) Merlin by his side, Arthur must now look after the well-being after every man, woman and child in his kingdom and protect them from those scheming to end his reign by using magic against him.

Since the first episode of Merlin, actor Bradley James has delivered a convincing and thoroughly enjoyable performance as Arthur. Following in the footsteps of his series costar, Colin Morgan (Merlin), James has done a BBC Press Q & A (see below) to talk about his character’s story arc in the show’s fourth season, which has its North American premiere on Friday, January 6th @ 10:00 p.m. EST/PST on America’s Syfy channel, and Saturday, January 7th @ 8:00 p.m. EST/PST on Canada’s SPACE Channel. Beware of spoilers and enjoy!

What has happened to Arthur since we last saw him?

Bradley James: Arthur has to take the responsibility for the kingdom on his shoulders because his father has lost his mind. All eyes in the kingdom are now upon Arthur, looking to him, not to Uther (Anthony Head), who is hiding in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth. Morgana (Katie McGrath) poses an enormous threat to the kingdom Arthur is trying to protect. He has been thrown into the deep end of a very grave situation indeed.

How does Arthur cope with the responsibility?

BJ: It's not always easy for him. He constantly has to learn lessons from his mistakes. But I would say he's the man you would want in a crisis. He always sticks by what he feels is right, which is a very good quality.

Has this changed the relationship between Arthur and Merlin?

BJ: Their friendship has grown, and Merlin comes up with pearls of wisdom more and more often. It's harder for Arthur to turn those into a joke and pretend Merlin is just being stupid. They are now forming a much closer relationship.

How does Arthur deal with Lancelot (SantiagoCabrera), his rival for Gwen's (Angel Coulby) affections?

BJ: Camelot always comes first for Arthur. If his love for Gwen causes friction, it holds back the kingdom. But if being with Gwen works for the kingdom, then he feels it should happen.

This season, the Knights of the Round Table become an integral part of the story. Do you enjoy working with them?

BJ: Absolutely! The Knights have a great camaraderie, which is what the Round Table is all about. They have a passionate dream, which they all want to achieve. The actors each bring a touch of individuality to their characters, and they are a joy to work with. Off-screen, we all get on famously. It's great to be part of that. When I celebrated my birthday, they all came along to my place to celebrate. We made a great day – and night – of it. It's been an absolute pleasure to have them around, and I'm quietly confident that that will translate to the screen.

Another important addition is Agravaine (Nathaniel Parker). Has he brought something extra to Merlin?

BJ: Definitely. Very early on, the audience becomes aware that Agravaine’s allegiance is to Morgana. Naturally, Arthur is completely unaware of this, which creates great dramatic tension. Someone has to play dumb – and as we’ve come to find out in Merlin, it's usually Arthur! But it also adds to the drama of the series that someone so close to Arthur can be the one that digs the knife in and twists it. As far as Arthur is concerned, his mother's brother is someone to be trusted implicitly. But the audience can see the cloaked dagger. Nathaniel Parker is very lively as Agravaine and has a great, dark look.

Based on their reaction to you at Comic-Con, can we assume that fans have come to recognize you for your role as Arthur?

BJ: Yes, I do get stopped quite a bit more now, but people are always very flattering – they love the show and want pictures and autographs. It's lovely when what you do for your work comes across so well!

What do you think is the reason that Merlin, particularly, has been a great success with viewers?

BJ: People relate to the ideals of the Arthurian legends and the myth of the Round Table, especially when it’s told in a way that is so entertaining and accessible. Everyone can identify with the tale, not just the British. On top of that, you have these great characters and this amazing magic and this astonishing period. All that shines through, and people love to get lost in that world.

Первоисточник: scifiandtvtalk.typepad.com/scifiandtvtalk/2011/...

@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, Mr. Pendragon, Фото и кадры

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Инью Брэдли в том числе с КомикКона в Сан-Диего для InnerSPACE.
Merlin Cast Interviews (San Diego Comic Con 2011).

@темы: Видео, Интервью, Bradley James, Colin Morgan, Merlin BBC, Anthony Head, Katie McGrath

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Не виденное ранее инью Брэдли. Это пальто... Эти пуговицы со львами... Вобщем, надо смотреть.

Q&A: Merlin’s Bradley James 2009

@темы: Видео, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, BJam, ExtraPower, Детка жжёт или captain Wow detected

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Одно инью и три видео от Брэдли, нас балуют и балуют.

An interview with Bradley from Sunday Mercury.

Оригинальная ссылка: blogs.sundaymercury.net/anorak-city/2011/09/mer...

И три видеоролика от Cultboxes with Bradley James. Видеоролики можно посмотреть, перейдя по следующей ссылке. Рекомендую. Брэдли рассказывает о спецэффектах в 4-м сезоне, о рыцарях и о КомикКоне 2011.

Ссылка: www.cultbox.co.uk/features/video/1931-merlin-br...

@темы: Видео, Ссылки, Интервью, Info, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, Trivia and Quotes, ExtraPower, Детка жжёт или captain Wow detected

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Walk and talk...

Bradley James, the heart-throb of the series, who plays the earnest young Prince Arthur, appears to ride like a skilled horseman but he isn’t – and it’s led to some hairy moments.

‘I was worried I might not get this role because I couldn’t really ride before I got the job,’ says Bradley, 27. ‘We turned up on set one day and I noticed one of the horses looking really crazy. I said to Colin, who was beside me as my servant Merlin, “I fear for the poor guy who’s going to get on that horse.” Then, to my horror, it was me!

‘In the first take, the horse bolted and took me galloping at immense speed through the woods. I ended up just hanging on for dear life. Luckily, I stayed in the saddle and was OK.’


@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, BJam, ExtraPower, Mr. Pendragon, Детка жжёт или captain Wow detected

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Merlin: Bradley James Interview with SFX.


Katie McGrath (Morgana) was mentioning that there’s a lot of testosterone floating round the set this year… what with all the Knights.

“[Laughs] There’s a lot of camaraderie now, a lot of banter between the knights. Off-set there’s been a fantastic sort of lads’ atmosphere. Without making it sound like we’re all on a lads’ holiday it’s great to have a bunch of guys that you can hang out with every day. I’d say it hasn’t affected the relationship between Arthur and Merlin too much. They’re still friends, without saying it. If anything, it’s maybe taken some attention away from Merlin. Sir Gwaine, he gets quite a bit of a ribbing now instead of Merlin. He gets the flack; we’ve cut Merlin some slack. Hey, that sounds like I had it prepared.

“Having the knights round has been fantastic, because of the social aspects. Having your friends with you. I’ve got a group of mates who are on set with me now. You’re hanging out with your mates. There are lots of laughs.

“Katie and I haven’t had any scenes together so far. When Arthur and Morgana do meet up, you can imagine there will be fireworks. Guinevere doesn’t tend to go out on the razz with the lads as much as maybe she’d like. I’m not too sure. It’s a bit of a boys’ group. I think if you had a girl to look after it wouldn’t be as much fun.

This year more than any other year I’ve been happiest about. There are certain elements of this year that have made it a far more enjoyable experience. Not that it’s ever not been enjoyable but I’m more excited about this year.”

Полная версия.

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Источник: www.sfx.co.uk/2011/09/15/merlin-bradley-james-i...

@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, Trivia and Quotes, Mr. Pendragon, Детка жжёт или captain Wow detected

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Interview with Katie McGrath, Julian Jones and Bradley James (Bradleys part starts at 8:25).
Interview : Merlin
Смотреть и наслаждаться. Сказать, что он был великолепен - это ничего не сказать, это надо видеть.

@темы: Видео, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, Katie McGrath, BJam, Trivia and Quotes, ExtraPower, Детка жжёт или captain Wow detected

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Довольно информативная страничка, посвящённая Брэдли.
Ссылка: www.imdb.com/name/nm3010926/

@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Info, Bradley James, Trivia and Quotes

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
По-моему довольно интересное инью Брэдли.

15.08.2011 в 22:31
Пишет  Юконда:

Если кому интересно
Интервью Брэдли Джеймса порталу ksitetv.com во время июльского Комик Кона в Сан-Диего.
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URL записи

Ссылка: pay.diary.ru/~merlintv/p165606894.htm

@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, Trivia and Quotes

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Какой же Брэдли прекрасный Принц. Epic beauty is love. Чем не подарок к Новому Году.
Огромное спасибо gealach_ros.

Merlin S3 | Bradley James interviewing Warwick Davis (HQ version).

Screencaps. Траффик.


@темы: Видео, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, ExtraPower, Фото и кадры, Детка жжёт или captain Wow detected

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Интервью с Брэдли Джеймсом. Небольшое, но всё же хоть что-то хорошее от него для нас. Клик на картинку.

Плюс интервью с Колином Морганом. Множество упоминаний о Брэдли.*излав*
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А отсюда можно скачать звуковую версию интервью Колина: www.mediafire.com/?na5eakb8ytbx6ng

Всё взято отсюда: gealach-ros.livejournal.com/487777.html

Первоисточник интервью с Брэдли: www.scifinow.co.uk/news/interview-bradley-james...

Первоисточник интервью с Колином: cliqueclack.com/tv/2010/12/15/colin-morgan-on-m...

@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Bradley James, Colin Morgan, Merlin BBC, Mr. Pendragon, Фото и кадры

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Новое интервью с Брэдли (from mid-October) на FemaleFirst (или MaleExtra).
Кликать на фото.

Ссылка на оригинал записи: gealach-ros.livejournal.com/463843.html#cutid1

@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Bradley James, Merlin BBC, Mr. Pendragon, Фото и кадры

Такой красивый.Такой холодный.Как утро ранней весной,еще по-зимнему ледяное.
Шикарнейшие сканы, я считаю. Артур the best is.:chup2:

И любимые пузатые каракульки, o, it's so sweet...:chup2:
Мини-интервью актёров. Перевод by  Юконда.

Остальное здесь: gealach-ros.livejournal.com/418888.html#cutid1

@темы: Ссылки, Интервью, Info, Bradley James, Colin Morgan, Merlin BBC, Katie McGrath, Angel Coulby, ExtraPower, Mr. Pendragon, Фото и кадры